Remembering Jerry West: Clippers Honor Legacy on Draft Night

The recent NBA draft marked a poignant occasion for the LA Clippers as they navigated the event without the presence of Jerry West in their war room for the first time. West, who had served as a consultant for the team over the past seven years, passed away on June 12 at the age of 86. His absence cast a reflective mood across the organization on draft night.

A Somber Draft Night

Jerry West was much more than a consultant for the Clippers. His influence stretched far beyond the duties of an ordinary advisor. As Lawrence Frank, the Clippers' president of basketball operations, eloquently put it, "He loved the draft. It was like Christmas. He loved knowing every single player, he loved meeting the players. Took great pride in where guys would go. After the draft selections were made, he was so happy." This year's draft was particularly reflective for the Clippers as they honored West's legacy without having a first-round pick.

Despite the lack of a first-round selection, the Clippers made a move in the second round by picking Cameron Christie from Minnesota with the 46th pick. This moment was especially poignant, as it highlighted the void left by West's passing. "It's a bittersweet day. Very sad that Jerry wasn't here for it," Lawrence Frank noted.

Jerry West's Indelible Impact

Jerry West's impact on the Clippers is immeasurable. He played a pivotal role in recruiting stars like Kawhi Leonard and Paul George, transforming the Clippers into a competitive force in the NBA. West's basketball acumen and keen eye for talent were invaluable in shaping the current Clippers roster. His role in the organization was not just one of strategy and consultation; it was one of passion and deep affection for the game of basketball and the people involved in it.

His influence extended beyond the Clippers. West was a monumental figure in the NBA, becoming the second overall pick in the NBA draft by the Minneapolis Lakers. He starred at West Virginia University from 1957 to 1960 before embarking on a legendary professional career. His list of accolades is long: a 14-time All-Star, instrumental in securing the 1972 NBA championship for the Lakers, and an architect behind multiple successful teams both on and off the court.

A Legend Remembered

Jerry West’s death resonated not just with the Clippers but throughout the entire basketball community. Born in West Virginia, his journey began at West Virginia University, a place where his talent and love for the game first gained serious attention. His career achievements and contributions to the sport have left an indelible mark, ensuring his legacy will not be forgotten.

As Lawrence Frank emphasized, "We just want to honor and respect Jerry every single day." This dedication to honoring West's memory will likely be a driving force for the Clippers as they continue to build and strive for success in his absence.

Though the draft night had its somber moments, the Clippers' selection of Cameron Christie marks a new chapter for the team. The reverence for Jerry West's contributions and the commitment to uphold his values in team-building continue to inspire the organization.

Ultimately, the draft represented more than just the future of the team; it was a moment to reflect on the sweeping impact of one of basketball's greatest minds. As the Clippers move forward, they will undoubtedly carry Jerry West’s spirit and passion for the game with them, striving to fulfill the legacy of excellence he left behind.